I am a member of the Alexandria Moms Yahoo group and awhile back I saw an email asking for moms in their 20's to respond. So, I, being a mom in her 20's, responded to the email. Since then I've been in contact with Ian Shapiro, a staff writer for the Washington Post. Shapiro is writing a series of articles on Washingtonians in their 20's. One of the articles is about women in their 20's who had a promising career and decided to go against the trend (which is waiting until you are in your 30's) and have a baby. We had a lengthy phone interview and exchanged some emails. Then he spent a day with Haley and I to watch how we interacted with our world. We went to My Gym (Haley's gym class) and then ran some errands. Shapiro also wanted to talk to friends who were the same age but did not have children so I invited Jamie Schwada, a friend from college who also lives in DC, for lunch and he talked with her at some length about her decision and what she thought about my decision. So, the article should be coming out sometime in early January, I will of course let you know when it does! But below are some pictures of Ian pretending to interview Haley and interviewing Jamie as well.
Do you know someone who still has pictures from LAST Christmas on their memory card? Do you find yourself helping the same person upload their pictures all the time? Or maybe you can't seem to get the hang of uploading pictures either. (This is beginning to sound like an info commercial!) But seriously, this is a very cool invention! It is a memory card that will upload your pictures into your computer automatically and wirelessly! I know this is a little late for Christmas but giving gifts is always fun no matter what time of year!
Click HERE to read more about this awesome wifi memory card!
I recently found some really cool birth announcements so, if you are having a new baby or know someone who is here are some great options to choose from! Check out my Baby Club as well at www.erinjphoto.com to see great package options for maternity & baby pictures!
Last week we went out to pick out our Christmas tree. Haley had so much fun running around the nursery, looking at the different trees. Then, we came home and decorated it and Haley "helped". I'm lucky all of the ornaments are in one piece! After we were done decorating I asked Haley if she wanted to eat dinner & a tantrum ensued! These days you can say nothing at all and she will just melt down, Phil & I find this to be hilarious. I'm sure she'll kill me one day for being so public with this but hey, it's payback! :-) I also have pictures of my two favorite ornaments below. Enjoy!
I got to do another session for one of my favorite families this past weekend! The twins are getting so big and talking so much, they were hilarious! And mom and dad were a lot of fun too, so laid back and ready for anything! I guess you have to be that way when you have twins. :-)
Yesterday we got snow! Now I know this does not seem out of the ordinary for December, but it is for us! We almost NEVER get snow until January at the earliest so it was a fun surprise! My daughter kept saying "Look! Snow!". I feel so blessed to be able to watch her see and do everything for the first time, it helps me see things through new eyes as well. It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!
Last week, amidst a cold and losing my voice, I had the distinct privilege of being asked to teach a brief "how to" class on taking pictures of kids to the Old Town Moms group of Alexandria! It was one of our first truly cool days but perfectly cloudy (as I've mentioned before, great lighting for pictures) and everyone was so nice and had such adorable kids! So, here are a few shots of the some of the kids who came to the class with their moms. I hope you all learned a lot! Erin
I was on the other side of camera this past weekend attempting to get our family's Christmas card pictures taken. My good friend Sally Brewer (www.SallyBrewer.com) took time out of her busy schedule to do a little trade and do our family pictures, I was able to do hers a couple of weeks ago on an equally cold day. Now, as a photographer it can be hard to do pictures with small kids but I have to say, I think it's even harder to be the parent of the kid in the pictures! It is nearly impossible to smile while trying to keep your kid in one place long enough to fit the whole family in the frame, especially a one year old! So, most of our pictures are of us tickling her in order to incapacitate her or us chasing her down. We're not in a very cooperative stage right now and Sally did a wonderful job of capturing us in our current life stage! Please leave me a comment as to which is your favorite! I still have to decide which one to use for our Christmas card!